Tuesday 22 January 2013

Hi folks,

After just over two years of inactivity I'm back. I hope to use the blog to deal with subjects involving interpreting, translation and Business English. Of course from time to time I'll comment on matters affecting by beloved Northern Ireland, where I hope to be in April.

For those of you who don't know, in June last year I graduated in Interpreting from PUC São Paulo and was quite active last year in several events organised by UKTI, the commercial wing of the British Consul-General in São Paulo. I am working with a colleague, Beatriz Rose. UKTI also arranged for me to accompany groups of UK visitors to Brazil as part of the increasing Brazil-UK bilateral relations. September 2012-March 2013 is the Brazil-UK season, so there should be lots of other events to come.

And still on interpreting, I have also been active accompanying visitors at the request of Enterprise Ireland, the commercial arm in São Paulo of the Irish Embassy in Brasilia.

Like I said when I began this blog 2 years ago, I will try as far as possible to keep the posts bilingual. So watch this space.

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