Sunday 23 March 2014

Hi folks

It's been a long time since I was last blogging, although I'm on-line everyday on FB. There's just not enough time for everything. But now I intend to move this blog to my website, as a means of advertising what I've been doing recently, especially in interpreting. So perhaps the next time you visit, you'll see what I've been up to. I'm slowly updating the site, and intend to publish a photo gallery of the events I interpret at and a list of the main events I've worked on so far. So patience, please.

Last week I spent two days intermediating business meetings and factory visits involving a US company and a potential Brazilian acquisition. Exhausting but enjoyable, but I couldn't have done it on my own, so thanks go to my colleague, Beatriz Rose, for her support.

This week, my activities include a presentation to the visiting UK trade mission from the East Midlands. My presentation is a brief outline of the cultural aspects of doing business in Brazil.

More later.


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